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Some Thoughts on Generic² Programming in Julia

23 June 2016

Generic Programming

Generic programming – writing functions that work for multiple different argument types – is straightforward in Julia. To recap, let’s assume we want to write a function that sums all elements of a vector. We could naively write

function vintsum(xs::Vector{Int})
    s = 0
    for x in xs
        s += x

Of course, we might also want a function that works for floating-point vectors, so we write

function vfloatsum(xs::Vector{Float64})
    s = 0.0
    for x in xs
        s += x

This gets boring quickly – the functions are almost identical except for their argument types. Thus the preferred way to implement this function in Julia is

function vsum{T<:Number}(xs::Vector{T})
    s = zero(T)
    for x in xs
        s += x

This function accepts a vector of any numeric type. We restrict the argument to numeric vectors so that addition is defined for the type T. Note that we also use the function zero(T) to initialise the sum s; this is equivalent to writing T(0), but is more general, and is preferred in Julia.

The above is standard in Julia, and could have be taken straight from a Julia tutorial. Nothing new here.

Generic Containers

Let’s increase the level of genericity. The function vsum above works for any numeric vector – but what if the input is not a vector, but a set? So here we go:

function setsum{T<:Number}(xs::Set{T})
    s = zero(T)
    for x in xs
        s += x

Again, the function looks identical except for the type of its argument. In addition to vectors and sets, there are many other interesting collections – Julia itself features a host of array types, and the DataStructures package offers many additional container types. We want to generalize the container type as well.

Our first attempt might be

function csum0{C<:TypeConstructor, T<:Number}(xs::C{T})
    s = zero(T)
    for x in xs
        s += x

Here, a TypeConstructor is something like Vector, which takes another type as argument (e.g. Int) to produce a type, as in Vector{Int}. Vector by itself is not and cannot be the type of any object in Julia; objects can only have concrete types such as Vector{Int}, Vector{Float64}, or Vector{Any}. Since Vector is used to construct a type, we call it here a type constructor. (Vector is in Julia also an abstract type that is a supertype of all types Vector{X}; this is different, and is not relevant in this context.)

However, Our csum0 function above doesn’t work because Julia’s pattern matching algorithm for function dispatch does not handle type constructor expressions such as C{T}. We need to write things differently:

function csum{CT}(xs::CT)
    T = eltype(CT)
    T<:Number || error("Argument element type $T is not a subtype of Number")
    s = zero(T)
    for x in xs
        s += x

Instead of matching a type constructor C and an element type T, we need to match a single type CT. This means we lose the ability to restrict T to numeric types, and we need to check this condition explicitly in the body of the function.

We used the function eltype to obtain the element type T from CT. As written above, the function csum looks like code that is commonly found in Julia.

You might notice that we were able to obtain the element T from the argument type CT, but not the type constructor C. In fact, there is no standard way in Julia to obtain C – but there is a way to get (almost) the same effect (see below).

First, let’s look at an example where we actually need to know the type constructor C. Here we invert each element of a vector:

function vinv{T<:Number}(xs::Vector{T})
    R = typeof(inv(one(T)))
    rs = Vector{R}(length(xs))
    for i in eachindex(rs)
        rs[i] = inv(xs[i])

inv(x) calculates the reciprocal value 1/x. For integer x, the inverse is a floating-point value, i.e. it has different type. We thus cannot just use Vector{T} to hold the result – we need to calculate the type R of the result. We do so by examining a sample calculation: one(T) yields the value 1 of type T, inv calculates its reciprocal, and the type of the result is the type R we need to use as result type. Such type calculations are also quite common in Julia.

On a side node, such type calculations are also commonplace in templated C++ code, but they usually look more complex there:

typedef std::decay_t<decltype(inv(declval<T>()))> R;

This is unfortunate because it likely drives people away from generic programming in C++. All the more power to a fresh approach!

We now generalize vinv to work with an arbitrary container type C. Since, as mentioned above, Julia does not provide a way to obtain a type constructor C from the argument type CT, we need to use a work-around:

function cinv{CT}(xs::CT)
    T = eltype(CT)
    T<:Number || error("Argument element type $T is not a subtype of Number")
    R = typeof(inv(one(T)))
    rs = similar(xs, R)
    for i in eachindex(rs)
        rs[i] = inv(xs[i])

The function similar creates a new container from an existing container (here xs) and a new type (here R). It also uses the length of xs to allocate an equal-sized new container. In a way, similar implements a function that takes a type C{T} and a type R, and returns a new type C{R}, except that it expects a container object instead of a container type as argument, and that it also returns a new container object instead of just its type.

Higher-Order Genericity

So far, we used generic objects as arguments and return values. Let’s go one step further and pass generic types as arguments. As example we’ll be using a “generator” function, i.e. a function that generates a container as return value from a non-container input. Specifically, let us write a function that takes a container type constructor and a single element as input, and returns a container with exactly this element.

For example, a function that creates a single-element vector would be

function vunit{T}(x::T)
    rs = Vector{T}()
    push!(rs, x)

A function that works for many containers would be

function cunit1{C,T}(::Type{C}, x::T)
    rs = C{T}()
    push!(rs, x)

Note that C is not the container type (such as Vector{Int}), but only the type constructor (e.g. Vector), so that we need to use the expression C{T} as container type.

It turns out that Julia does not have a uniform internal representation for type constructors (such as Vector or Set), and we thus need to use the generic Type as argument type; in Julia, all type constructors are subtypes of Type.

We can call cunit1 e.g. as cunit1(Vector, 1) or cunit1(Set, 2), and the result is as expected.

Unfortunately, this function cunit1 is not very useful. While it is straightforward to call cunit1 with a manually-provided type constructor, there is no way to obtain a type constructor from a container type (or a container object): As mentioned above, there is no function in standard Julia that takes the type Vector{Int} as input, and returns the type constructor Vector. We need to look for an alternative definition of cunit1. (Of course, such a function could be added to Julia, and I argue that it should.)

In C++, the template pattern matching mechanism is more powerful than in Julia, since one can define template specializations. This makes it possible to determine a type constructor from a type. C++ calls these type constructors “type templates”, and if you use a type template in a type template, you are using “template template parameters” (sic!), a confusing terminology.

It turns out that template template parameters in C++ have a serious disadvantage: the compiler often cannot determine whether two template template parameters are identical, and then needs to generate multiple identical template instantiations. This is highly undesirable. Of course, one can use in C++ the same work-around as in Julia, which I will describe now.

Our work-around is simply to use a type C{X} instead of a type constructor C, using an arbitrary type X that we will then ignore. In many cases, it will be convenient to use the types Void or Any for this. (The type Union{} also has its charm, as it by definition prevents non-empty containers.)

Our actual implementation of cunit looks like this:

function cunit{C, T}(::Type{C}, x::T)
    rs = similar(C(), T)
    push!(rs, x)

We can call cunit e.g. as cunit(Vector{Void}, 1) or cunit(Set{Void}, 2), with result types Vector{Int} and Set{Int}, respectively. Due to two quirks of Julia – every type constructor is also an abstract type, and containers usually define fall-back constructors for abstract types as well – the calls cunit(Vector, 1) and cunit(Set, 2) are also legal, and are interpreted as cunit(Vector{Any}, 1) and cunit(Set{Any}, 2), respectively, with the same results as above.

Note that we needed to call C() in the call to similar, constructing a throw-away empty container of type C. This is unfortunate, and could be avoided by extending similar to accept types as arguments as well, and not just objects.


So why would this higher-order genericity be interesting in practice? As mentioned above, “regular” generic programming (as used in the functions csum or cinv) has obvious advantages, and is commonplace in Julia. But where would a function such as cunit be useful, apart from type-theoretical discussions on monads, and blog entries comparing Julia to C++?

In my own work, I came across this issue while experimenting with how vector spaces would best be represented in Julia. In large numerical simulations of e.g. coalescing binary black holes, linear algebra and vectors spaces are everpresent, yet the algebraic concept of a “vector space” is usually not defined anywhere in the source code. Instead, various objects are defined, combined, added, and scaled in an ad-hoc manner that often leads to quite tedious code.

Many types represent vector spaces – arrays obviously do, and so do certain tuples, most containers, and also many user-defined types. A “vector space” should thus be represented as trait (or concept in C++), i.e. as a property that a type might have. Each type that is a vector space will need to implement certain functionality: create a null vector, scale a vector, add two vectors, etc.

In addition to these operations that act on vectors, there exist also operations on vector spaces: Given two vector spaces V and U, one can create their sum space, product space, a power space V^n for a non-negative integer n, and even a fiber vector space V(U). Those are vector spaces again, and all these definitions are commonly used in numerical simulations. (Adaptive mesh refinement introduces sum spaces where either a coarse or a fine grid is used in a region, multi-block discretizations are product spaces, power spaces define grids and meshes, and fiber spaces express grids and meshes holding vectors at each element.)

Given this, I was looking for generic implementations to create sum, product, power, and fiber spaces. That is, I wanted to implement e.g. a type

immutable VProduct0{V1, V2, S}

to representd a product space of V1 and V2 (essentially a tuple). V1 and V2 represent vector spaces; they should be type constructors that can be applied to either a scalar type, or to a another vector space (!): Vector{Int} is a vector space, Vector{Vector{Int}} is one as well. We thus want to write

typealias TwoVectors{T} VProduct{Vector, Vector, T}

and then use e.g. TwoVectors{Float64} to hold some data.

Unfortunately, this type definition is not legal in Julia. In a generic type definition such as this, V1 and V2 can be datatypes, but they cannot be type constructors. One thus needs an alternative way to represent type constructors, and then to define functions vnull, vadd, vscale, etc. that implement the vector space operations for VProduct.

To give a maybe more concrete motivation from linear algebra: Block-structured matrices appear naturally in many algorithms. If one needs a block-structured matrix where each block is dense, and the blocks are sparsely distributed (many blocks are zero), then one should be able to write TwoLevelMatrix{SparseMatrix, DenseMatrix}. Implementing TwoLevelMatrix then leads to the problems described here, since both SparseMatrix and DenseMatrix are type constructors, not types.


Generic programming is ubiquitous in Julia. Higher-order generic programming, i.e. using generic type constructors instead of just generic types, seems alluring, and is able to provide elegant solutions to otherwise tedious coding exercises, at least in other languages. It remains to be seen in how far this is currently possible in Julia. I think most of the bits and pieces are already there, although certain things are still more cumbersome than they should be.

Julia’s competitor in this respect is not C++. While C++ templates are more powerful than Julia’s generic types, and thus better suited in theory, its strange and convoluted template syntax and type semantics make it quite difficult to use in practice. Haskell, of course, supported higher-order generic programming already a decade ago, but is coming from a very different angle. In Haskell, one needs to understand and implement every corner case correctly before the code compiles, and before one can begin to experiment. In Julia, where types are objects that can be manipulated at run time, experimentation is much easier, but one foregoes the safety of a much stronger typing harness. I conjecture that Julia’s approach makes it easier than Haskell’s to work in large, interdisciplinary open-source collaborations.